When the Gloves Go On…It’s Game On

This winter, nothing prevents us from going outside to play. Whether in the big leagues or in the backyard, once the gloves Auclair on, everything is within our reach. Performa wishes all a  great school break.


Photo credit: Marc-Antoine Charlebois


We feel privileged to have been chosen as a strategic and creative partner of the Auclair brand. It is a wonderful collaboration with such world-class ambassadors as Mikaël Kingsbury, Alex Harvey and Maxence Parrot to showcase this high quality, high performance, proud Canadian product with over 70 years of heritage.


“Auclair is at a pivotal stage and is looking to establish itself on the international stage. This is why we chose Performa Marketing to guide us in this endeavor and allow us to shine on podiums and anywhere else enthusiasts of winter sports and performance enjoy themselves” says Guy Darveau, president of Paris Glove International, a company that designs, produces and sells Auclair products on the international market.


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