18 ideas for weathering the storm with your crew

Performa Marketing Team - At home
With so much uncertainty in the air, many businesses are facing difficult decisions. We hear you. A lot of our clients are reaching out to us for tips on how to get through these tough times. Here are some simple ideas on how to ground your team and reassure your clients, even when there’s turbulence all around.It can be hard to set priorities right now. When in doubt, align your actions with your brand’s DNA. What’s your company’s mission? Are you guided by core values? The answers to these questions will point you in the right direction. You’re only as good as your team. But are you attentive to their needs?
  1. Send daily updates that are equal parts reassurance and transparency to keep employees informed of what’s going on.
  2. Optimize teamwork with file-sharing tools and videoconference apps so that people don’t feel alone, despite social isolation measures. (Performa would be happy to offer your team free training on this—just ask!)
  3. Encourage teamwork, especially brainstorming on creative solutions.
  4. Hold a contest for the best, or most surprising, photos of your team’s work-from-home environments.
  5. Implement rituals, like a “cheer-ful” team cocktail meeting at the end of the week.
  6. What’s the glue that holds your team together? Do you share a common interest in sports, family or the environment? If so, think of initiatives that reflect your team’s key interests. This period gives us the opportunity to innovate.
 How can you support clients and make their lives a little better?
  1. Be thoughtful: offer them safe, private transportation
  2. Be creative: send snacks, cleaning products or other thoughtful items
  3. Be proactive: make use of online tools for things like virtual tours, e-signatures, scheduling, etc.
  4. Be human and resilient: create videos that are educational or just plain fun to strengthen your relationships with clients
  5. Be generous: offer free products, free cancellations, etc.
  6. Be organized: take the time to do things right, despite the crisis
 Is your team motivated to work but less busy than usual? Now’s a good time to review each person’s role, assign them new responsibilities and strengthen their engagement.
  1. Review your marketing strategy and align it with current market conditions.
  2. Create tutorials or fun videos for your clients and team.
  3. Provide your team with online training so that they can update their certifications.
  4. Optimize your CRM, product catalogue, accounting tools, and online collaboration tools (like GSuite) or migrate to a new platform.
  5. Create your own happy music playlist so that self-isolating employees can stay connected and engage by adding their favourite songs.
  6. Share an inspiring reading list that includes personal development books and articles.
 Our team is feeling limber and ready to jump into action if you need help during the crisis. Let us take some of the weight off your shoulders. We’re here for you.

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